
Monthly Archives - January 2013

[Shared] New York Biotopes Video My bachelor graduation project „New York Biotopes“ deals with abstract plants and creatures, which change their forms because of insufficient living space and adapt themselves to the surroundings of the metropolis New York City. A type of metamorphosis, where the newly developed vegetation assimilates elements of the city and makes them useful for their own purposes. These creatures and plants, partly mechanical, partly organically in appearance, spread more and more over the city and fill it up with life. My...

Facebook Graph Search

Facebook Amps Up Its Search & What That Means for You

Imagine this scenario: you need to choose a restaurant for an important event, like a date or birthday party. But, you're new to the area and need recommendations. Most of the time, you would go to Google with a search like, "restaurants nearby" or, for example, if you want to eat Italian, "Italian restaurants".  But, you're smart. You need real reviews from people in order to find the perfect place. So, you go to one of our traditional favorites, Yelp!. There, you...

Why We Exist

We exist to… Give dignity, meaning, and fun to …

We exist to... Give dignity, meaning, and fun to our work. Create engaged, existing and new customers thereby creating more good jobs and contributing to our economy and community. Master context while making great, sharable content. Clarify and amplify our client's offline social strengths, online. Why does your company exist? Read more from Expio Owner Andy Roller.


Timing Brand Facebook Posts Per Industry

When should you be posting on your business Timeline? Is your audience getting your posts on time, when they're most connected, interested and ready to hear from you? Perhaps, with a little research, you'll see that your followers' activity peaks at different times than the focus of your posts. Let's face it, in all likelihood, the social media world isn't necessarily online during 9-5 business hours (when you and your marketing team are most likely going to post). How does...