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“Pheed” currently #1 App in Social Media Category

Pheed App

There’s a new App standing strong on top of the Social Media Category of Apple’s App Store and, No, it’s not Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. It’s Pheed.

Pheed is a community App like Facebook or Twitter, but unlike either of the said platforms, it offers an impressive four options for posting content including: text, photo, video and (uniquely) voice updates.

Check out a review from Huff Post Tech below for more about Pheed.

happily shared via Huff Post Tech

If you haven’t looked at Pheed yet, now might be the time to do so.

It’s now the No. 1 free app in Apple’s App Store under the Social Networking category. Yes, that means it’s ranked higher than Facebook and Twitter. And it’s been there since last week.

All indications point to teenagers as fueling Pheed’s growth. Several heavily-followed teens on Twitter and Instagram reportedly shared their enthusiasm for Pheed last week, leading to an explosion of downloads. Chatter about Pheed continues at a rapid pace on Twitter.

The iPhone app has 1,500 reviews, more than Twitter’s, and an impressive 4.5-star rating. There’s no surprise why if you spend some time with it. It’s ridiculously simple, as you can see with the screenshots below.

The catchphrase for Pheed, which launched in October 2012, is, “A new way to express yourself.” Whether you want to do so in text, photos, videos, audio, voice or live broadcast, Pheed offers all of that functionality. Other social networks offer some of that, but not all of it.

Pheed founder O.D. Kobo said they were inspired by Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram as they created the app. He told Tech Cocktail:

So the concept of Pheed was from bouncing around ideas like ‘oh I really love that filtering,’ for example, that’s on Tumblr. ‘Why don’t they do that on Twitter?’ Or ‘I love Soundshare’ — why don’t they do more stuff like that?’ We just looked at everything as users, and what we’re missing, and what we’d like to have in a product.


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