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How to easily feature staff on social media

How To Easily Feature Staff on Social Media

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][custom_headline type=”left” level=”h4″ looks_like=”h4″]Three simple steps for uploading and sharing feature photos[/custom_headline]

[pullquote type=”left”]Take a picture of that guy or girl in the office that brings that joy, that brings that positive attitude to work, and share the joke that they told, or just share something about them and let some fun and some humor get out there on the Facebook page.


Hey, I’m Joshua Godsey, Social Media Writer for Expio Consulting. I wanted to talk about how to feature your staff on social media.

Make photo sharing easy with your smartphone

The first thing that you want to do is learn how to take good photos. The first way I always tell people to do it is use your smartphone. iPhone is super powerful, a really great camera. Any smartphone really has really high megapixel, really huge capabilities. And what I like to do is I like to use filters. Now I try to stay away from Instagram filters. They use shading, and they use like tons of color. To me it just a little bit overdoes it.

So what I like to do is I like to use VSCO Cam, which is a great iPhone app or Android app. I also like to use Afterlight. These are apps that are really helpful to create really good color, you know, slight color, modest, nice. It’s not too much, but it looks really good. And a quick tip when you’re doing photography on your smartphone or your camera, use the rule of thirds.

2) Attach something interesting, funny or important to the photo

The second way to feature your staff on social media is to tell something interesting, or really we love to tell stuff that’s fun. Take a picture of that guy or girl in the office that brings that joy, that brings that positive attitude to work, and share the joke that they told, or just share something about them and let some fun and some humor get out there on the Facebook page. Otherwise, something that’s interesting, something that highlights your area of expertise. You know, if you’re in the oil and gas industry, share something that’s really kind of mind blowing in the science behind it. If you’re a doctor, share something that’s important to your clients, that you share on a daily basis. Something that’s interesting, humorous, or I would even add important is really good.

3) Be Intentional

The third way to feature your staff on social media is to be intentional. So, you know, a good way to do this is to write a calendar of all the birthdays of your staff, and every time a birthday comes up snap a photo of that person, and again, going back to step two, share something interesting, or fun, or important that that person has to share. Always be positive. Always highlight your company culture, and share something that really kind of just shows who you guys are as a company.

If you’re a company or a brand that has kind of an off season and a peak season, let’s say like a ski resort, where obviously winter time is your peak season, maybe take the summertime, and the warm season, the off season, to share staff photos, to highlight your staff, because it’s a great way to keep momentum going to your Facebook page in the off season.

BONUS) Relax, your audience will love what you’re sharing!

Lastly, just sit back and watch, as your page, your Facebook page, your social media in general, becomes more and more engaging. We’ve just seen it over and over, time and time again. Our clients buy into this idea of sharing their staff on their pages, and their audience just gets more and more engaged. They not only get more likes and as a result grow in terms of their page audience, but they just get a lot more comments. A lot more positive reviews take place. And it’s just a great way to share your staff obviously, but it’s a great way for your audience to kind of brag about you, and to say all the great things about your staff. And it really just helps your page become more engaging and more sincere, and kind of a real more relevant place. And that’s what this is all about, making social media a place that’s real and relevant, and helpful for people and engaging.

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  • robert Reply

    i like your blog

    August 6, 2020 at 9:52 am

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