
Tag - expio

Your Business By The People For The People

People want to interact with friendly company representatives and they want a personalized experience. It’s important to make the most out of the time you have with each client. By building relationships, you implement trust and respect which in return will make it easier to communicate and understand each client's goals. Since that first contact is so important, you want to make the experience a good one for your customers. Listed below are a few ways Expio makes people their business: ...


Assuming In Extremes About Social Media Isn’t Good For Anyone

Gaining balanced perspective for online creativity Some say social media is the only way to succeed in the business world, especially in the near future. Others say an online presence is completely unnecessary. Truth is, both are wrong. A presence won't be the silver bullet that creates and grows your business. On the other hand, if you're not online as a brand, it doesn't mean you're destined to fail. "The answer lies in how we view their [the customer] worth in the customer...


[Client Exhibit] WRCA Rodeo Documentary

About The Project We've been privileged to work with the Working Ranch Cowboys Association on a Pro Package level for the past year. One project, in particular, we've been excited about during that time is the new WRCA Rodeo Documentary. Our goal has been to raise awareness of the benevolent arm of the association: an active scholarship student program, and crisis fund for ranching families in emergencies. Plus, we hoped to increase loyalty among current members with a fresh outlook for the future of...


[Shared] New York Biotopes Video My bachelor graduation project „New York Biotopes“ deals with abstract plants and creatures, which change their forms because of insufficient living space and adapt themselves to the surroundings of the metropolis New York City. A type of metamorphosis, where the newly developed vegetation assimilates elements of the city and makes them useful for their own purposes. These creatures and plants, partly mechanical, partly organically in appearance, spread more and more over the city and fill it up with life. My...

Why We Exist

We exist to… Give dignity, meaning, and fun to …

We exist to... Give dignity, meaning, and fun to our work. Create engaged, existing and new customers thereby creating more good jobs and contributing to our economy and community. Master context while making great, sharable content. Clarify and amplify our client's offline social strengths, online. Why does your company exist? Read more from Expio Owner Andy Roller.


Market Leaders Using Third-Party Social Management

You have probably experienced a social media campaign from a large, easily-recognizable brand like Coca-Cola or Google. Naturally, it's easy to assume these brands have more than enough funds to compensate the extreme expenses involved in creating complex and highly-produced campaigns. The truth is, no matter how complex or produced the campaign is, the ultimate goal of marketing is to pay for itself in returns. Spending a large amount of money doesn't necessariy guarantee a larger return. Large brands have a...