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Traits of Successful Brands on Social Media

[custom_headline type=”left” level=”h4″ looks_like=”h4″]Participation in the creative process key[/custom_headline][clear]

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[pullquote type=”left”]The clients that really succeed are the ones that collaborate. They work with you. So they answer the questions.
TRANSCRIPT: In this business we’ve learned a couple things about what we like and what we don’t like. The main thing we don’t like are clients that we don’t like. So let me give you a little bit of information on clients that we like and honestly, clients that succeed well with social media.

First of all, the client participates in the process. You’d be shocked at how many clients come to us, and they want to get our help to make their social media great, and then they just check out. They don’t talk anymore. They don’t answer questions about their goals, their values or any of those kinds of things. They don’t respond to reports. They just want us to do all the work. That’s not going to work. Those clients will never succeed in social media, and honestly they’re not going to succeed long-term at much of anything if they act that way.

The clients that really succeed are the ones that collaborate. They work with you. So they answer the questions. They’re clear about what they want to accomplish, and we help them with that. We go through a pretty extended process on how to get clear on those goals but they’ll communicate, they’ll work. We can adjust and we can use the strategies that we come up with to move them forward and learn as we go and adjust and that works out pretty well for their social media presence and the goals are different.

People argue over the ROI of social media, but the ROI is relative to the goal. There’s not necessarily a monetary value of, a direct monetary value, on everything that’s social. There is on some like coupon codes or whatever. Those are simple to measure, but when it comes to education and engagement and awareness, those are actually not difficult to measure either. But they can be difficult to put a number on sometimes, but it’s always possible. You can quantify just about anything, and we help our clients do that. But again, the clients that are successful are willing to go through the strategic process, set those goals, and communicate along the way and measure how’s the progress, how’s it going?

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